Andrew Newman

Director - Ports, Freight and Intermodal, Freight Victoria - Department of Transport

Andrew Newman was appointed Director, Policy and Strategy, Freight Victoria in August 2021 and having previously filled the role of Director Ports, Freight and Intermodal.

Andrew is well known in freight circles from his time previously as part of the Freight portfolio in the Department under its various guises. Andrew is passionate about freight and port policy and he is excited to be part of Freight Victoria and to work with the Freight Victoria team as it delivers its role in Department of Transport, and particularly the Victorian Freight Plan, Delivering the Goods.

He has extensive policy and transport industry experience and has led engagement with the commercial ports sector on a number of complex and priority issues for Victoria including the recently completed review of the Victorian Ports Sector and progressing delivery of the Port Rail Shuttle Network. Before his current role, Andrew was the Director, Policy and Integrated Planning for two years where he led the policy function within the Office of Suburban Development. Before that he was a Transport and Public Policy Principal at consulting firm Jacobs for close to two years where he led urban planning and transportation planning functions.

Andrew has also held senior executive roles in transport network planning and the previous freight logistics and marine in the Victorian Government. Andrew holds a Masters of Public Policy and Management from the University of Melbourne as well as Degrees in Arts and Commerce.

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Andrew Needham


Chris O’Brien