Discretionary Mutual Fund (DMF)
The RWTA is investigating a Discretionary Mutual Fund (DMF) on behalf of the cold chain in Australia and New Zealand.
The RWTA is working with Benjamin and Benjamin Insurance Brokers to explore if a Discretionary Mutual Fund (DMF) to reduce property insurance premiums for the Cold Chain industry in Australia and NZ.
This, if adopted, will help to mitigate the problem of increasing Industrial Special Risk (ISR) policy premiums. ISR insurance is an industry-standard policy wording to provide cover for physical loss or damage to property and financial losses incurred (damage through fire, storm, accidental impact, etc.)
We organised several information sessions on Teams on the topics below and to answer members questions. Click on the links below to access the recordings.
How to reduce and control your insurance costs?
Meeting - 12th October 2023
Who will benefit from a DMF? What are the Pain Points of traditional insurance? Which insurances are affected by a DMF? Summary of a DMF for the Cold Chain Industry
Meeting - 16th November 2023
We are in the first phase of gathering data.
* By participating in this first phase does not indicate that you necessarily wish to proceed, it is part of the data gathering and information feedback in the first instance.
Please click on the two links below. One is a non-disclosure agreement to keep your data safe. The second is a simple one-pager to gather data.
If you are happy to sign the attached Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement click here, then please complete all questions (1-8) in the attached spreadsheet here.
If you do not wish to sign the attached Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement, you can instead complete questions 6 – 8 only in the spreadsheet. This way there is no data concerning your business name, contact name and details gathered.
Thank you for being part of this important process for the Cold Chain sector.