Welcome to Firma Force, New Member of the RWTA
We are thrilled to announce that Firma Force has joined the RWTA as our newest member!
As the authorized dealer of NeoTech Coatings, Firma Force brings to our association an innovative solution that stands out in the market – SuperTherm.
SuperTherm is a ceramic coating that blocks heat, unlike other products that absorb it at different rates. It consistently gives a surface temperature of ambient plus 2-3 degrees Celsius. Their product has been successfully installed in various industries that have benefited from savings in electricity, fuel and extended lifespan of assets by eliminating thermal shock.
Firma Force has national coverage to apply truck, trailer and warehouse heat blocking coatings to roof areas, and more.
They are setting up a network of authorized applicators covering all the major cities and major satellite transport hub regions. Off the track depots can be reached by prior arrangement as their applicators are offering a mobile service. This saves unnecessary logistics and travel as bulk applications of fleet can be done at a service yard, depots or transit holding yards. Refrigerated train rolling stock can be retrofitted by prior arrangement and location agreed upon.
Welcome aboard, Firma Force!
Download our information sheet.
Contact: Paul Raath
Mobile: 043 500 1515
Email: firma.force@iinet.net.au