Early Bird Rates Close 15APR24 for the RWTA Conference

Bookings for the RWTA Conference at Cape Schanck are open! 

There are three things you need to do;

1/ Take advantage of the Early Bird rates and pay less!  

2/ Take advantage of the Early Bird rates and pay less!  

3/ Book in your partner for the Partners Program.


Were you aware that your other half can attend as well? Partners are invited and encouraged to attend all the social events and have a daily event to attend while you are in the conference. There’s a Hands-on Tapas and Gin inspired cooking extravaganza the first day and then a luxurious Thermal Springs Experience on the second. To book them in you just need to include them in your own conference registration.


*These great rates offered for the early bird registrations close strictly on the 15th April. Book your accommodation, don’t miss out on limited rooms!

RWTA Conference, Diamond Sponsors:

Enhance your experience of Victoria and extend your stay! More information here.

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RWTA New Member Alert: Interview with Scully RSV


Join Us as an Exhibitor: Make an Impact at the RWTA Conference